My in-laws have left this morning. On the plane back to Scotland. After dropping them at the curbside check in, Eliza noted that Grandma "forgot to kiss me on the mouth". I rolled down the window to let the teary eyed Grandma know and Eliza was promptly kissed.
The goodbyes were then proceeded with the excitement of Austin and Joel coming. A 2 year old has no concept of distance or emotional stress. This has helped me with the far thee wells.
Matthew won an award today at work for his service. Chuffed!
Where to begin since the last 6 months have passed so quickly. We live in my old stomping ground of Cat Hollow, Round Rock Texas. I had friends that lived close if not in the same subdivision. So it is familiar. I have been amazed at how merciful and faithful the Lord has been. We were living with my parents for almost 3 months and in that time Matthew found a job working for a company called ESP (they contract out doctors to hospitals). He is managing all their computers. We found our house by the grace of God, which we found out went on the market the day we flew out of Scotland. We viewed well over 10 houses and this one stayed on the market for us and was affordable and perfect!
Reentry has been strange in another light...I have changed a lot in 6 years. And evidently so has everyone else. Funny how we expect everyone and everything to stay the same. I am finding my way as a married woman and mommy amongst my side of the family. I have discovered I am different. Things that were never noticeable before, are now. Things that I would have never thought about before, I do know.
I love Eliza in Texas. She is thriving! I can guess the unlimited sunlight has a big part to play in that! Sun is a wonderful thing!!! Samuel has come on leaps and many milestones since we have been here. Samuel turning one, learning to walk and talk and Eliza potty training. We are blessed.
I am gonna start writing regularly. The Lord is showing me new things everyday.